Pest and vermin control

Rentakeeper offers control of all pests and vermin, either on an ad hoc or annual contractual basis, operating within a 25-mile radius of Milton Keynes. Wherever possible we use eco-friendly methods for our pest control and removal services, as we are committed to doing everything we can to help protect the environment.
We only employ fully-qualified operators to carry out our control and 

removal work and we pride ourselves on guaranteeing that every job will be carried out to the highest possible standard at a very reasonable cost.
Examples of some of the most common pests are listed below. Give us a call to see how we can help you get rid of them from your home or premises. 


This household pest is becoming more prevalent in homes and in factories and offices, where they can live happily in suspended ceilings.
Apart from the hygiene concerns, mice cost companies hundreds of thousands of pounds each year by, for example, chewing through computer cables and electrical wiring.
A female mouse can produce eight to ten young every 15 days, so they are a problem which needs to be tackled as soon as they are discovered. 


Rats are disease-carrying rodents of sewers, rubbish dumps, untidy areas and hedgerows and are becoming increasingly common in gardens, outbuildings and even in homes and commercial premises.
They are controlled by anti-coagulant poison baiting in species-specific containers. 


Far from being the cuddly animal of “Wind in the Willows” fame, moles are increasingly growing as both
a rural and urban pest, damaging lawns, grassed areas, orchards, paddocks and golf courses.
We are proud members of the British Traditional Molecatchers Register (BTMR) and control them by humane trapping in the traditional manner.
We have been offering this service for almost 40 years. 


The grey squirrel, commonly known as the "tree rat", is a rodent with the capability to kill trees by bark stripping, a keen birds' nest robber and killer of fledglings.
It is controlled by anti-coagulant poison baiting in species-specific containers. 


Rabbits are crop grazers and damagers of young trees, as well as insatiable destroyers
of plants and vegetables in people’s gardens.
They are controlled by shooting, ferreting and live cage trapping.
Section 1 of the Pests Act 1954 obliges occupiers of land in a rabbit clearance area (which is virtually the whole of England and Wales) to kill any wild rabbits on their land unless they can show that it is not reasonably practical to do so. 
In that case they must prevent them causing damage elsewhere. 

Feral pigeons

Feral pigeons, the proverbial “flying rat” so common in towns and cities, pose a health risk to humans and cause major damage to buildings. 
They carry 74 diseases, 28 of which are transmissible to humans, and their droppings are corrosive and unsightly.
We can deny their access to roofs, solar panels  and roosting areas by fitment of ultra-fine netting and prevent them from roosting on ledges, windowsills, gutters etc with the use of specialised translucent plastic spikes which are virtually invisible to passers-by. 

Carrion crows

As well as eating dead meat and carrion of all kinds, carrion crows are great egg stealers and takers of young birds, rabbits, leverets and deer fawns.
Crows are scavengers by nature, which is why they tend to frequent sites inhabited by humans in order to feed on their household waste.
They are controlled by live catching cage traps. 


Magpies are the ultimate egg stealer, sharp-eyed and an inveterate thief.
They will eat any animal food. These foods include young birds, insects, scraps and carrion. They also eat acorns, grain and other vegetable substances.
They are controlled by live catching cages. 


We are bee-keepers ourselves, so we will catch swarms and transfer them to our own hives.
We deal with wasp problems during July and August – including the increasing numbers of European wasps, which are three times the size of the normal British wasp. They build their nests in trees, bushes and creepers and are multi-stingers. 

Fleas and other insects

Fleas are a year-round problem in offices and homes and are easily spread by humans – not just pets and other animals!
We also deal with flies coming in to roof spaces of buildings for the winter.  And we have an identification service whenever unusual insects are discovered with the technical expertise to carry out the appropriate control. 


This persistent killer of chickens, ducks and small mammals has become adapted to urban life, enjoying feasts from dustbins and even killing household pets.
Fox attacks on humans are not common but have been reported. 
Foxes are controlled by live catching cage traps and shooting at night. 


The most recent addition to our wildlife here in the UK, mink are wanton killers of any species that they can get their teeth into.
They are controlled by live catching cage traps.


Lincoln Grounds, Castlethorpe,
Milton Keynes MK19 7HJ
Tel 01908 510189      E-mail: